Fan details

This forum is for the Fordson New Major, including the Super Major and the Power Major.
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True Blue
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Fan details

Post by Billy26F5 »

Hi all,
I think there is little information on the details of fans so thought it was worth going through the various details. Do note that some fans were never intended to be fitted as a second pair, and these will be in trouble if used as such; all fans were painted with a white 3/4" thick strip to make the edge clearly visible (safety reasons).
The first spec had E1ADDN-8600B for normal temperatures and E1ADDN-8600A for high temperatures for the diesel, and E1ADDN-8600A for normal temperatures and E1ADDN-8600A plus E1ADKN-8600 for high temperatures on spark ignition models. At some point in March 1958 the spec changed, E1ADDN-8607A replaced E1ADDN-8600B, E1ADKN-8607 replaced E1ADDN-8600A and E1ADKN-8606 replaced E1ADKN-8600; these last two got a B suffix by 1959. The Dexta made use of E1ADDN-8607A, with 957E-8606 added for high temperatures, not sure about the petrol. Then the Power Major introduced E1ADDN-8607B for normal temperatures and added in E1ADDN-8606 for high temperatures. By 1963 the spark ignition fans were Thames Trader parts 508E-8607 and 508E-8606 and according to Allan T Condie the diesel models used the same as the spark ignition types from 1571825, although no Ford manual seems to have that detail. Now for Ebro, except for the Ebro 160 and possibly the lorries and industrial units they stuck with E1ADDN-8600B, many would later errouneously be fitted with a second identical blade, that doesn't actually fit properly. Ebro's larger fans might have had their own part nos., but I don't know about this yet. The 160 used an equivalent of E1ADDN-8607B, and none was intended to be used as a second blade.
Now for a table of all blades, all those marked outer were not used unless operation above 90ºF ambient temperatures was expected:
__________________ diameter _______ use
E1ADDN-8600B ________ 15" ________ inner, Major Diesel to March 58
E1ADDN-8600A ________ 18" ________ inner, Major to March 58 (diesel hot, spark ignition normal)
E1ADKN-8600 _________ 18" ________ outer, Major spark ignition to March 58
E1ADDN-8607A ________ 15" ________ inner, Major Diesel March 58-1481091, Dexta
957E-8606 ____________ 15" ________ outer, Dexta
E1ADKN-8607 _________ 18" ________ inner, Major spark ignition after March 58
E1ADKN-8606 _________ 18" ________ outer, Major spark ignition after March 58
E1ADDN-8607B ________ 17" ________ inner, Major Diesel 1481091 on
E1ADDN-8606 _________ 17" ________ outer, Major Diesel 1481091 on
508E-8607 ____________ 18" ________ inner, Thames Trader, petrol Super Major, possibly diesel after 1571825
508E-8606 ____________ 18" ________ outer, Thames Trader, petrol Super Major, possibly diesel after 1571825
E1ADDN-8600B (Ebro) __ 15" ________ inner, Ebro except 160, not seen any part no. but it matches the pics I've seen on Ebay of E1ADDN-8600B
(S1ADDN-8600) ________ 17" ________ inner, Ebro 160, (lorries), not seen any part no.
And now for pics (please add any you can):
E1ADDN-8600B (Centre reinforced with point welded extra plate)



E1ADDN-8607A Davie, vertical blade, not found an EnFo yet
957E-8606 Davie, nearly horizontal blade, not found an EnFo yet






E1ADDN-8600B (Ebro) (Centre reinforced with point welded extra plate) Super Billy and half Super Major, showing erroneous four blade unit
a later one erroneously used as an outer one

Note the post is unfinished as I only have access to our vehicles, therefore your help with pics of the other blades is highly appreciated. I have seen some on Ebay, causing some doubts on where the part no. and EnFo are stamped.

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