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Tyre size

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:17 pm
by Murray Mac
Hi, I'm having trouble with wheel spin when pulling boats out of the river, I have a E27N with 28" wheels and yes they are already 3/4 filled with water, what is the max width that will fit on the standard wheels?

Cheers,Murray Mac

Re: Tyre size

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 1:57 am
by brockwood
Hi murray you dont say were you are so its hard to know what rims your on. The limit is usully when the tires start to bag but that depends on rim whith here in vic most that i have seen are on malcolm moore cast rims which are split rims the outer half in a number of diffrent widths. Often on the narrow one in moden sizes 14. on the wide 16 - 18 you can also get the rim for the p6 of which the inner is twice as heavy hope thats useful also you can with the right filler go to 90% water B