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Put the ole gal to work today

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 4:15 am
by CalGG
Car broke down about a mile from the house, and needed a tow back home.

Put the twisted clevis on the tow bar and grabbed a 25 foot tow strap.
Road gear makes the distance pass quickly, but there were some frost Whoops that had me up on my feet.
Second gear on the way home, but had to drop to first to get "up the hill" . The ole' gal was a grunting! I should have dropped the radiator screen.

The wife drove the broken vehicle. No power steering, and no power brakes, MORE POWER TO HER! She said after that stopping on the hill was the scary part. ;-)

It must have been a funny sight, a 65 year old fordson pulling in a late model car.

Re: Put the ole gal to work today

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:48 pm
by georgeford
Why, you're Fordson is only as young as me! Born a few months after the start of the Korean War. I'm the guy looking for a Mentor to advise me on a 1922 Model F. Guess they're not on this Forum. Anyway, I'm glad you got your modern iron home with that neat old tractor.