FTP lives on! New site ownership!

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Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:26 am
Location: Holland

FTP lives on! New site ownership!

Post by Oscar »

Dear Fordson Friends,

I am very happy to announce that www.fordsontractorpages.nl will continue! :clap: :beer:

After the closure announcement, several members have contacted me because they were interested in taking over the site. A sincere "thank you!" to everyone who stepped forward - we appreciate your support very much.

The new owners of the site are Mathias1 and Henk, both long-time members and known to many of you. Mathias is from the Antwerp-area in Belgium and Henk is from the province of Zeeland in Holland, so they live quite close to each other. I will leave it up to them to share their plans for the site with you.

I wish Henk and Mathias1 all the best with bringing this site forward!

Best regards,
