by Brian » Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:07 pm
‘500 Acres to Plough’

Plans for the Blue Force Conversions Day are well advanced with 500 acres to plough. This unique event is to be held over the weekend of 29th and 30th September, 15 miles south of Lincoln on the west side of the A15 between Lincoln and Sleaford at the junction of the A15 and the B1191. To date entries have been received from England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland as well as enquiries arriving from mainland Europe.
There will be a plough practice day and road run on the Saturday, while Sunday will be the main ploughing day. All conversions based on Fordson, Ford and New Holland tractors are welcome from wheeled through to tracked, whether for work or as part of an impressive static line up; the Blue Force Conversions Day will be a spectacle of the likes not seen before.
A lot of work has gone into the planning of the event so that everyone from spectators to tractor drivers will be able to benefit. The aim is to have a field for County tractors to plough in, while another field will be set aside for Roadless machines, with another for Doe, Muir-Hill and so forth. At set intervals throughout the day it is expected that for one hour all the County tractors will plough, while the next hour will see all Roadless tractors plough, each marque will have its own time slot, this way it is hoped everyone will have the chance to watch and enjoy the spectacle.
It is the aim to have as many Doe tractors as possible gathered together at one time and what about Muir-Hill, no one to date has really had a gathering of this famous marque based on early Fordson through to the high horsepower Ford skid units.

What would be good to see is as many of the not so common conversions also be present in one place at one time, makes such as Bray, Chaseside, James Jones, KFD, Mailam, Matbro, Northrop, Rotoped, Shire, J J Thomas, Whitlock and many other rare conversions. As owners might not want to plough with these rare tractors, this is where a good static display would be very impressive indeed.

For further details and application forms for the Blue Force Conversions Day please contact David Leech on 01526 320797 or e-mail