Fordson Tractor Club Of Australia Inc.

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Fordson Tractor Club Of Australia Inc.

Post by BarryM »

The Fordson Tractor Club Of Australia held their 'Weekend Gathering' on 25th & 26th May. Club Members and their partners travelled to Denman in New South Wales for a great social weekend. Saturday morning was held at Elisen & Ivan Burkill's prop-perty. There was a line-up of excellent restored tractors on display, including a E27N Half Track, an E27N Perkins L4, a Fordson Dexta and a Super Dexta. These tractors had been joined by another wonderfully restored Fordson Super Dexta. Other tractors displayed included a Fordson Model F, Model N with original plough, Fordson New Major Overloader, and a later model County. At the entrance to Ivan's prop-perty, each side of the gateway there was two early Fordson tractors (Model N and a Model F) mounted high up on poles. As everyone gathered for Morning Tea, Ivan took the opportunity to speak to everyone regarding the history of his tractors and other machines on display. He then took the Model N with plough down to a paddock to give a ploughing demonstration.

Saturday afternoon we all gathered at the local Parish Hall where there was a display of Club owned manuals and books, together with Club Photo Albums and Merchandise. Our General Meeting was held, followed by our Annual General Meeting, with business out of the way, a delicious Afternoon Tea was served by the ladies. Our traditional Fordson Dinner was held at the same venue on the Saturday night.

Sunday morning was another early start as we gathered for a last look at the tractors at Ivans. After Morning Tea, it was time for us all to head out of town to Jeff Wolfgang's. A Tractor Trek had been organised for those who wished to drive their tractors. As we drove down Jeff's long driveway, all we could see was the massive size of his big shed. When you walked into the shed, you didn't know where to start or what to look at first. Along the back wall was a line-up of tractors including Caterpillar Crawlers, Hart Parr, Fordson N, Fordson E27N, Internationals, Renault, Vivian Llolyd Crawler, Massey Harris, Howard, Allis Chalmers and a Gunsmith. Then, there were the trucks, including an old Maple Leaf, a line-up of Motor Bikes, children's three wheel bikes, pedal cars, stationary engines, tools. There was actually too much of everything to be able to see it all. The Rotary Club of Denman catered for our lunch, after which Members were left to wander around the other sheds on the prop-perty and look at all the machines sitting around outside, these included a Nord Crawler powered by a MAN diesel enigne, a Thames Trader Tandem Drive truck and many other tractors and vehicles.

By 3.30pm the tractor drivers decided it was time to leave for their return Tractor Trek, and other Members all headed back into town. On the Sunday night many of us attended the evening meal at a local Hotel. It was a great social night to finish off a wonderful Fordson Club weekend.

Dawn Milsom

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True Blue
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Re: Fordson Tractor Club Of Australia Inc.

Post by Pascal »

Wow, what a great story and great pictures! :clap:
Thank you for sharing!
Best regards,

Fordson's don't leak oil, they are just marking their territory.

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