Some of the guests sleeping rough im the tractor shed.

The sight that greeted people as the arrived at Leigh and Bev's farm where the gathering was based.

Tractors on display at the farm.

This was a eucalyptus oil distillation tank until it got turnrd into a water bowser!

Some of the old machinery on show. Pictures were taken before Graham mowed around it, it looked better on the day.

Robinvale is in a grape growing area of Australia so some of the equipment might seem strange to our eyes. This Dexta has a hoe fitted which is hydraulically controlled to allow it to get right up to the vine stalks.

The disc on the 3600 is for earthing up around the base of the vines.

Details of a Major six cylinder conversion.

Robinvale was the centre of the dried fruit growers and Sunrasier Fruit was exported world wide. The grapes were dried on racks and this piece of equipment was reversed onto the end of a line of racks and started up. The PTO caused it to shake the fruit in the racks, agitating them and ensuring an even drying in the sun.

This Dexta engine power unit is now on its way to Tasmania but does anyone know what it was used for in its earlier life? Could be a boat power unit.

Anyone remember the Whitlock Dinkum Digger of the 1960's? It was originally an Australian design and here is a smaller one on the back of an AWD6.
On the Saturday we met up at the Robinvale Town Museum.

Drag saw. Better than a hand powered cross cut!

Talking and eating! Something that the club is famous for!
Sunday we went somewhere special. A grape Harvesting Contractor who harvests around 4000 acres of grapes for wine with these harvesters.

After a fascinating morning talking aboput grape harvesting it was back to Leigh's for lunch and then to play with the AL Stripper.

By this time it was around 38 degrees so we soon retired for cold drinks and afternoon tea.
On Monday, around 20 of us went on a river trip on a paddle boat built bty Graham from the keel up and powered by a Ford 2703E engine.

Guess who was allowed to drive!!!! The grin is still on my face!!

The catering and organisation Team. Ann, Bev and Gen.

The Disrupters!!! Brian, Leigh and Mal.

All together we had a fantastic time!