‘100 Years of Fordson Tractors’
1917 – 2017.
Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th September 2017.
Memorial Park, Deniliquin. N.S.W.
Come along and see the largest display of Fordson, Ford & New Holland Tractors, as well as related Conversions including County & Roadless, along with Crown & Blue Line Implements. Indoor displays of Fordson Collectables & Literature together with Fordson Merchandise. Tractor Trek.
This ‘Celebration’ is being held in conjunction with the Deniliquin Collector’s Club Annual Rally, featuring Ford Cars & Trucks. This event will be run under NHMA Guidelines.
We welcome New Holland Agriculture as a Major Sponsor of the ‘100 Years of Fordson Tractors’.
For further Information Contact
Fordson Tractor Club Of Australia Inc.
President Col Lloyd 03 54533818
V. President Wayne Humphries 08 87398293
Secretary Dawn Milsom 03 54395378
Email: bmi34634@bigpond.net.au
Deniliquin Rally
Deniliquin Rally
Fordson Tractor Pages, now officially linked to: Fordson Tractor Club of Australia, Ford and Fordson Association and Blue Force.