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Major steering box help!!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:36 am
by thestig246
Morning all loverly morning here in sunny herefordshire UK :) I have a few questions and i could do with some help with a major steering box. There seemed alot of play on the worm drive part so i thought id take it apart.. Not having done one before i ended up with loose ball bearing rolling about and flying everywhere! So im abit clueless of how many balls should go where!!?? I have come to the conclusion its 10 each on the bearings but unsure on how many go in the nut part? I have 14 at the mo not sure if i have lost any along the way :|

I also have this other piece of metal round in shape and looks like the inner part of a bearing yet i have no idea where it has come from! I hope someone can put me right may thanks :beer:
(heres some photos)
This is the part i have no idea where it came from??



Re: Major steering box help!!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 2:50 pm
by Pavel
The top and bottom bearing races both have 10 balls.
The steering nut, which turns the rocker shaft, has 14 balls.


Re: Major steering box help!!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:11 pm
by thestig246
thanks very much :) Do you have any ideas as to where the piece goes in the top picture im lost as to where it has come from :? its doesnt seem to fitt anything?? Does anyone have any tips and trick to getting these boxes back together without a pile of balls on the floor :lol:

Re: Major steering box help!!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 4:22 pm
by Pavel
Use HTB [high temperature bearing] grease to 'stick' the balls in place.
Not sure about this -- but your odd bit could be the 'roller' that goes onto the main nut assy which fits into the fork of the rocker shaft. Looks a bit rough though.


Re: Major steering box help!!

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:12 pm
by 5000blues
Did you get it back together? The knack is to take the whole box off the tractor and hold it upside down close to you and have grease on them. It's been 30 years since I did one though. Some of the play can be sorted by taking out or putting in shims when you put the side of the box back on. Hope this helps.