Good stuff, hopèfully Daisy can join in another day! How's the Super?
Unfortunately nothing new to report on the Super or Daisy. The springs for the starter springs just came in the mail yesterday so hopefully I'll at least get that done. Snow and cold temps have kept me busy. Rushed around yesterday to get my forwarder moved from one job to the next. Trying to catch up on firewood as well. We only got 3" so far. -13 C forecast for tonight, and we usually end up 5 degrees lower than forecasted temps.
How is your weather?
1939 Ford 9N, 1952 8N, 1955 FMD, IH 340U, Ford 3600, Ford 2120, Valmet 646 Forwarder.
Good luck with the springs. Here we're also much colder than forecasts say, but still not that cold, we've only had a few frosts so far. Years ago it would have been freezing every night from mid October to early April, with a week or so of -10ºC. I think you're in a colder area than we are, so hope your coolant has enough antifreeze. Firewood is a must in these conditions, we have so much from fallen trees that we normally don't need to look around much.