DPA pump stuck plungers

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John b
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DPA pump stuck plungers

Post by John b »

I read somewhere that connecting an injector test pump to an oulet on a DPA pump, pressurizing it and turning the pump by hand until the corresponding fuel gallery lines up will free stuck plungers. It sounds feasable but has anyone tried it? Curios to know if it works and would possibly save a pump strip
My biggest fear is that when i die my wife will sell my tractors for what i told her they cost

John b
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Re: DPA pump stuck plungers

Post by John b »

Well to answer my own question, yes it does work! Removed the pump which would bleed ok but had no fuel to the injectors after marking its position for timing. Connected one of the outlets to the injector tester and pumped it up to 1000 psi, turned the pump by hand until the corresponding gallery lined up and the plungers popped back down. Works fine now, I will add a can of injector cleaner to the fuel to clean and lube the pump but it has saved having to strip the pump or pay someone else a fortune to do it

My biggest fear is that when i die my wife will sell my tractors for what i told her they cost

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Re: DPA pump stuck plungers

Post by Billy26F5 »

Very good trick, probably not valid on an in-line pump unless the delivery valves are removed. Well worth doing on a rotary pump.

John b
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Re: DPA pump stuck plungers

Post by John b »

I think you are right about the in line pump and delivery valves Sandy, although an in line pump is far easier to strip apart than a CAV, as long as the settings aren't altered
My biggest fear is that when i die my wife will sell my tractors for what i told her they cost

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Re: DPA pump stuck plungers

Post by shepp »

What happens also with the DPA pumps is that the metering valve sticks in the zero fuel position particularly when the stop control is left pulled out and the engine is not run for a long time. Cranking the engine with the stop control in and at the same time tapping the top of the throttle spindle, the stop spindle and the pump cover with a toffee hammer usually sorts that one out in most instances. I think a stuck pump plunger will be less common than a stuck metering valve.
1946 E27N, 1952 Major Diesel, 1959 Power Major, 1962 Dexta, 1962 Super Dexta, 1963 Super Dexta NP, 1964 Super Major NP, 1965 Super Dexta 3000, 1966 Major 4000, 1967 3000 PF, 1994 5640,plus Basildon built NH.

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Re: DPA pump stuck plungers

Post by Billy26F5 »

John and I were discussing this very subject, with the main blame on modern diesel, although leaving the stop control out for any length of time isn't really a great idea either. I suspect our MF will need this treatment when we eventually get to that stage. Good to know another trick for fixing it.

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