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Secrets from the Past, Magic Farm Machine Rediscovered

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:09 am
by Tmac
Secrets from the Past
The Forgotten Farm Implement

I rediscovered one of the oldest and most universal of farming implements that has ever been used. Well I had mine all along just haven't used it in years. Just had to set it up and bring together all the component parts to get it working.

This is an implement like no other. It can aid in the tilling of the soil, planting the fields and reaping the harvest. This implement is so universal that it can sew the break of day and mend a broken heart. ;)). Now you may ask what is this wonderful implement? Why have I never heard of or seen this magic machine before now, right? Could I use this? Well you more than likely you have both had the services of one and seen one to. They used to be common on farms of past, as a matter of fact a basic necessity. By now you are saying dont keep me in suspense any longer tell me what is this miracle invention is. Well Ok it is the Black Smith Forge. Ah now I get it right. ;))

Well I needed some special parts to be made for my Howard Tiller that are no longer made and had to be formed. I could have just broke out the sure fire, Oxyacetylene set and formed them as most would have done. These parts would have used a lot of heat, acetylene and ox is now very expensive and for me, it is a 120 mile round trip to get it, so much gasoline;((. So being low on Ox I decided it was time to start! I have the coal here a ton or more on hand. My forge and blower is at least 100 years old and has been in the family since new. A little tuning and a few repairs its up and going ready to blow HOT!! I done a prerun test, after billowing a lot of black smoke and ash the old fire pot was glowing red as the hubs of hell, in the midday sun. Now we are Smoking guys!! Now for the test, I inserted an old big bolt into the red coals. In a few moments I could see the white hot steel of the old thread remnants just dripping off the bolt shaft like drops of rain water. Now the sparks were flying in a spray as if my anvil was afire. After making a this punch from the old bolt, a fire poker and a much needed special prybar, just for a tuneup on the old pounder arm, its ready, we are ready, me and my arm. Yeh baby!! Tomorrow for the meat of the project! Parts!! ;))

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:40 am
by Brian
As an apprentice I spent some time in the blacksmith shop that we had at the rear of the dealership. The local builder used to bring points for their pneumatic road drill in to be re-formed. It was hot work for a young lad heating the heavy points and hammering them sharp, then they had to be cooled to the correct colour/hardness.

We had an electric blower on our forge.

I had to light it every day to make the morning tea using our big black cast iron kettle.