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So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:52 am
by Brian

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:05 am
by Dandy Dave
:shock: Anyone wanna play in the Mud??? Here comes Irene, Should be here on Sunday, Eastern U.S. time. Dandy Dave!

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:13 am
by Brian
Best of luck Dave! :shock: Hang on to your hat :beer:

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:36 pm
by Jerry Coles
A classic case of the wrong recovery approach! If it went from going OK to BAD then get back to OK by recovering backwards. It was pretty obvious that the land in front of the sprayer was bad so why go and put another machine there? It should have been pulled out the way it want in! It already had the track made, going forwards your up against what stopped it.

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:15 pm
by super6954
The sad reality of this is that this year in Manitoba where we are located this has been a daily exercise for the custom applicators and guys with combines and equipment. I saw pictures of a New Holland 4WD bigger than that JD with the bonnet in level with the ground . by the time they got it ready to get it out the guy driving was at eye level with the ground sitting in the seat.
It has been so wet there are thousands of acres that are flooded out or to wet to seed.
A friend of mine has 1500 acres and only seeded 11 acres as it was so wet.
It is a fair big disaster for all involved with farming or farm business in any way.
when the floods came through there was a lot of towns on the rivers edge in big trouble and financialy with the cost of sand baging and other flood prevention. a lot of the roads around here are pretty well washed out as well its a heck of a mess .
Watching that clip I would have to agree with Jerrys comment those guys are a bunch of clowns and to get that lot stuck in a field probably cost 3-400 dollars an hour to get it all out . all the guys round here that hire hoes and stuff out are making good money right now.
Regards Robert

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:31 am
by john.n
I was in Manitoba about a month ago, kept find road closed signs everywhere. even highway 5 was washed out.
The size of the farm equipment out there is unreal compaired to the stuff here in derbyshire. hate to think how hard it is to move when it gets stuck.

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:57 am
by Dandy Dave
Brian wrote:Best of luck Dave! :shock: Hang on to your hat :beer:
We faired Irene without problem here. The center went right over us. South, West, and North East of us did not fair as well. We never even lost power here. There was well over 10 inches of rain. I talked to a Cousin in South West Connecticut, and he said the estimate was that the power would be out for a week in his area. I offered to bring my tractor and generator to him, but he said he was use to living without power and had a 5000 watt unit for lights and some things in the house. Good thing the weather is warm. It is amazing how we have become so dependent on electricity. Many rural areas here did not get power until the later 1930's, and everyone got along fine without it then. I guess they should have kept their old hand water pump handy instead of scrapping it for the new electric model. Dandy Dave!

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:42 pm
by henk
Glad to hear you have had no problems Dave.
Thanks to Irene we have a couple of nice day's over here.

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:05 pm
by Brian
That is not due to Irene, Henk. I am just testing my "power" for later in the month! :D

Good to know you are OK Dave. :clap:

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:59 am
by Frans
Keep on testing Brian, I need the weather becaus the top of my roof is going off tomorrow for new isolation and new tiles

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:05 pm
by henk
Seems you are getting stronger every year.

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:13 pm
by Mark
Liked the tune "Rawhide" in the video, brings back fond memories of watching the show "Rawhide" with Clint Eastwood in it as "Rowdy Yates."

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:19 pm
by Brian
You are never that old Mark!! :roll: You will be reminding us of Ward Bond and "Wagon Train" next, or even Clint Walker and "Cheyenne" not to mention Roy Rogers and Gene Autrey. :run:

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:32 pm
by Dandy Dave
Did somone say, ...Gene Autry. :D I have a photo of him hanging on my wall right by my computer. The truck is a Late 1930's Dimond T . And here it is.


Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:41 pm
by Mark
Brian wrote:You are never that old Mark!! :roll: You will be reminding us of Ward Bond and "Wagon Train" next, or even Clint Walker and "Cheyenne" not to mention Roy Rogers and Gene Autrey. :run:
Hi Brian, those were the good old days weren't they. I wish we had some good shows like that to watch again. :D

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:49 am
by Brian
We did not get television until the early 1960's because Norfolk is in the backwoods for everything like that! :D So I was in my late teens when I watched them. Very enjoyable at the time. We did not have films either, there were cinemas in the towns but no transport. :cry:

I got around on bicycles until I saved up £25.00 from my £1.00 per week wage and bought a BSA Bantam motor bike then my horizons expanded to a 15 mile radius. :D

Bet the "young 'uns" here have never heard of Eric Fleming and Paul Brineger! :D

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:26 pm
by Jerry Coles
Was the 15 mile radius because any further and you were a "furriner!" or was it how far you could push your Bantam when it conked out?
(Married to a 'Fen Tiger' from Ely)

Re: So you think you have a problem?

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:14 pm
by Brian
We were "furrin" in the next village about a mile away! :D Father always laughed, in later years, about the "raids" into the next village for girls! The cricket matches were also fought like a war. When he came to stay with us in the 1980's after mother died, the old boys from the village used to come round and talk about how he used to be a demon fast bowler when they played his home village. :D

I know what you mean about pushing home, luckily I was a mechanic and carried tools. Once had to remove the cylinder head to clean a whisker from the plug as I broke the plug spanner. :roll: