Site closure announcement

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Site closure announcement

Post by Oscar »

Dear Fordson Friends,

All things must end. For this website, the end comes in May 2018.

I started this site in the late '90s. Back then, there was a need for it. Much to my surprise, for Fordson owners around the world the site became "an online home", so to speak. People who had never been in contact before formed lifelong friendships after "meeting" on For years and years, there was an active community of Fordson friends in countries like the UK, Holland, America and Australia and this website played its part in bringing people together and sharing vital information in how to keep our little blue friends purring away 50 years after Fordson stopped making tractors.

A few short years after the site began, Brian Dye joined as a member. His immense knowledge of all things Fordson, his genuine willingness to help and his unique sense of humour quickly made him the #1 source of Fordson lore on this website. Brian became friends with many of the site's members and the most-heard question on tractor shows in the UK, Holland and Australia is: "Has Brian arrived yet?" I may have started this website, but without Brian the place would never have come this far. Everyone who's been here for a while knows how much Brian contributed, so I think I can safely speak for all of you. So, Brian, on behalf of everyone here: thank you.

All things must end. The reasons for wrapping it up now are several. First, the PHP forum is falling apart and no-one can safely upgrade it. Second, the nature of the old-tractor hobby has changed. Get-togethers are getting less, as is the real sense of 'community' that for so long existed on The experience here has become more, shall we say, fleeting. Third, Brian and I are very, very busy in our daily lives. Fourth, there's no new generation banging on the doors to take things further, nor can we seem to find a suitable partner to take over the site (believe me, we've tried). Fifth, the site costs money year-in, year-out. Each in our own way, Brian and I have invested in this website over the years and it adds up to quite a sum. That's OK, neither of us regrets the expenditure, but given the decline in usage of the site it would be a waste to continue like this. To summarize, this place is slowly but inevitably beginning to gather dust. That's not how it should be, so we're making a final bow.

The exact date of close-down is not known yet, but it will be in May 2018. Therefore you should get used to the idea that as of May 1st, 2018, there is no more If there are topics in the forum that you frequently consult, then please take notes or copy their content. Once the site is gone, you're on your own - so don't wait too long.

Brian, Rick and I are having a quiet conversation in the background about a more modern, scaled-down and cost-effective continuation in one form or another. Don't get your hopes up. If it somehow happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Expect the latter, hope for the former. Even it does happen, there might be a time gap between closure of this site and its re-emergence.

For now, a most sicnere 'thank you' to all of you, for your support over the many long years that this site has been around. It's been a pleasure to have been of some assistance to you. Keep your Fordson tractors blue, and keep them running. All the best.

Warm regards,

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Re: Site closure announcement

Post by henk »

This is sad news. :cry:
First it's a dayly thing for me to check on the forum. Second it's the greatest resource if one has a problem about a Fordson. And thirth it is a place that makes friends.

I can understand the reasons for making an end to the site and forum, but it makes me sad. :cry:

Kind regards, Henk

Fordson New Major February 1957 Mark I

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Re: Site closure announcement

Post by mathias1 »

This is a very sad day :(

Everyday I'm still learning from the info on this board. Thanks to this forum I did sucessfully change the bad seals and bearings of my gearbox.
I also will miss Adrian's "going ploughing" pictures.
If it's possible, I would like to step forward and maybe help this site to survive. Maybe there are others who are interested too.

Anyway, thanks for all the efforts so far!
Fordson Super Major New Performance
County Super 4 built on the Fordson Super Major
Selene built on the Fordson Super Major New Performance with Silvant winch

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Re: Site closure announcement

Post by Oscar »

@Henk: thanks! It's a difficult decision. But let's celebrate the long life of this website instead of mourning its passing.

@Mathias1: I'll send you a PM.

Best regards,

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Re: Site closure announcement

Post by charlie63 »

Very sorry to hear of the closure of the site.
It has been an invaluable source of information and help to me during my restoration and there is no doubt that without all that my restoration would have taken a lot longer. I enjoy going on to the site daily to check for new posts an information and to see if I can be of any help to anyone especially when I am out on the platform for 4 weeks at a time.
I think everyone involved in keeping the site up and running do an outstanding job and must say a big thank you for that and I will be sorry to see it go. :( :(

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Re: Site closure announcement

Post by Brian »

It is indeed a sad day for us all but it has been on the cards for some time. Oscar has been funding the site which needs extensive modification and improvement but none of the team have the time or the money to carry this out.

We have looked into passing the site over to one of the Fordson tractor clubs but found either no interest or we could not reach agreement, which in itself is rather sad.

Some of the site may transfer to which is a domain I own but I have no knowledge that would enable me to build a "proper" web site there, we will have to see what happens.
Fordson Tractor Pages, now officially linked to: Fordson Tractor Club of Australia, Ford and Fordson Association and Blue Force.

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Re: Site closure announcement

Post by ford5000y »

This is not the post I (and I'm sure pretty much everyone) was expecting, as they say "expect the unexpected", I guess. :(

I can't help but post this. I know some old members might not like new music and stuff but this one is pretty relevant;

It had some rap parts in its original version, which I don't like, so there.

Just like what the song says, "We've come a long way from where we began, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again"

So, I hope , I really, really hope, to seeing you all again :D

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Re: Site closure announcement

Post by Oscar »

The last day of operation is May 9th, 2018.

Two members have contacted me and expressed interest to take over the site. We're talking in the background. It's a big step to take. Don't expect the site to remain, but there is some hope. I'll keep you informed.

Best regards,

True Blue
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Re: Site closure announcement

Post by ford5000y »

Hope is all we need :D :D

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Re: Site closure announcement

Post by Pascal »

Hello Oscar and Brian,

I would like to thank you both very much for your incredible effort to have this website and forum up and running for so many years!
Next to the fact it has been a big source knowledge to me for years, I have made true friends via this forum.
Many many thanks for that! :clap:

Happy to help out where needed.

Warmest regards,
Best regards,

Fordson's don't leak oil, they are just marking their territory.
