Pully wheel

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Pully wheel

Post by Arnie »

Hi everyone,
Thanks for the help i have recieved last time with my sump plug, this really is the place to go for info when faced with a Fordson problem.

I now have a new issue, i am leaking oil from behind my belt pully wheel, it is tting worse now and obviously needs a seal replacement, i have removed the large hex nut and can see the plate talked about on another thre that requires two bolts screwed into it to remove the pully.
My question is, is it easy to replace the seal once the pully is off, there seems to be quite a few options to buy, is it best to remove the pully to see wich one i need or are they all the same.

There is also oil leaking from a pressire release valve up by the rediator cap, it is fitted onto a piece of hose pipe over a tube coming from the head is this correct, is seems a bit of a bodge.

Any help is very welcomed, thank you to all.

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Re: Pully wheel

Post by mathias1 »

The seal of the pulley is really easy. Best to check the bearings too.
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Re: Pully wheel

Post by Billy26F5 »

I would measure it first, you're just as well to remove the pulley to inspect the bearings if you notice play.
I think I'll need a pic of this to see what's happening as I'm not understanding your problem near the radiator cap, see this: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5024&p=53955#p53955.

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